Getting Started

Making the transition from tech to government can be overwhelming. Here are some resources and communities to make the move a little less scary.

Curious about moving into the public sector?

Many have made the jump from tech to government and back and forth. Over time, they’ve developed a set of helpful links and resources that could inform what to expect for technologists who have made the transition into the public sector

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Scaling Civic Technology: Transitioning to Civic Technology
A conversation with a panel of talented technical employees who have made the move from big tech to civic tech and how these industries reinforce each other.

Breaking into Civic Tech

by Chris Kuang

A Primer on Government

Navigating and exploring tech roles in government

We pulled together a set of resources to help technologists navigate tech roles in government. The list of participating organizations can be filtered by job type and level. As you explore open roles, you’ll find that some of the titles don’t match what you’re used to seeing, so we created a draft cheat sheet that can give you a starting point to translate government job types with private sector titles.

  1. List of Participating Organizations

  2. Translating Tech Roles to Government Titles

Applying to government roles will be unfamiliar to most folks that have never gone through the process. Learn why it’s different and some tips to help you navigate through the process.

From our Tech to Gov Forum and Career Fair

Navigating Government Applications (USAJOBS+)